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Managed Infrastructure

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Managed Security

We’ll manage your cybersecurity policies and protocols to keep your firm secure and in compliance

Zero Trust

Security that ensures everyone granted access is who they claim to be

Awareness Training & Testing

Educate and train your most important last line of defense – your people

End Device Protection

Protection where people and their machines intersect

Multifactor Authentication

Secure access to your data. Reduce the risk of compromise, prevent cyberthreats.

Email Filter

A different approach to protecting emails

Single Sign-on

Secure single sign-on access for a connected world


Backup your data for business continuity and compliance


Keep everyone on the same page. Any user, every device.


Secure connections for all your users, devices and networks

Written Information Security Plan (WISP)

Get started on a robust security plan with a WISP for your business

No firm is too big or too small for a data breach or a cyberattack. Let’s talk about your security.
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IRS 4557

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Case Study

QuickBooks Cloud Hosting Provides Remote Services

Maven Strategic
QuickBooks Hosting for Accountants

Founded in 2004, Maven Strategic Solutions, LLC (“Maven Strategic”), provides professional financial consulting services, with a focus on small to medium-sized businesses.

The company’s core service offerings include outsourced controller/CFO services for small to medium-sized businesses, as well as FINOP, compliance, and reporting services for securities broker/dealers and related entities. Its customized services are designed to provide financial expertise at affordable rates. And as trusted advisors, they enable their clients to do what they do best, whether it’s sales, customer service, or product development while knowing its financial services are being stewarded by industry professionals.

The Challenges
Steven Singer, Founder, Maven Strategic, has spent the past 20 years in the financial services industry and knew he had something special when he founded Maven Strategic. Singer says, “When I founded this company I knew there was a great need for small and medium sized businesses to have the financial expertise that a large enterprise could access.”

After starting with a couple of clients in private practice, Singer said the first decision he made was to find a tool that could help the business always remain in compliance with industry regulators and could also help grow the business. “Any time you are working in the financial services arena, regulators are always a phone call or a knock at the door away. They expect financial records to be up-to-date and always accessible. In the past, when files were emailed back and forth between a company and its clients, this was rarely possible. Either we or they were always making updates and it was rarely clear who had the most current file. I didn’t want to start my company with that headache already built-in.”

Singer says after investigating several different tools he knew an online option wouldn’t be enough. It had to be a cloud-hosted solution where he and his clients always had real time access to their financial reports. That’s why he trusted Swizznet to be Maven Strategic’s first business partner.

The Results
Since partnering with Swizznet, Maven Strategic has grown its business approximately 30% year over year, or 300% total. The reason for this is, is because Swizznet offers the same value proposition to Maven Strategic that it offers its clients.

Singer says, “With Swizznet, I didn’t have to become an IT expert and run my financial consulting firm at the same time. I’m able to focus on my clients and ensure they are receiving the highest level of service I can provide, while knowing we are always in compliance with real-time anywhere access to their financial documents thanks to Swizznet.”

“In talking with others about hosting providers, I knew two key deal-breakers for me would be unscheduled down-time and poor customer service. As a consultant, I am in the customer service business and expect a lot from those I partner with. And with Swizznet I have never been disappointed. Everyone I’ve worked with at Swizznet wants Maven Strategic to grow and succeed just as much as we do. They won’t stand for unscheduled down-time because that means their clients aren’t able to operate at their peak. That is unacceptable to them and very refreshing for me as a client.”

Want to learn more?
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Keeping up with the demands of the ever-evolving world of technology and cybersecurity can be a challenge – but that’s our job, not yours. We’d welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your needs and how we can help you find a way forward.

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